Stand-in boss: Left back Steven Jeff will take charge of Ossett Town for the home encounter with New Mills.
Left-back Steven Jeff will take charge of Ossett Town tonight for the Evo Stik Division One North clash with New Mills at Ingfield.
Jeff is holding the reins for one match in the wake of Craig Elliott’s dramatic departure to Shaw Lane Aquaforce yesterday after nearly two years in charge of Ossett.
Jeff is a popular figure at Ingfield because of his excellent performances throughout the season – his first at Evo Stik level.
He joined from Tadcaster in the summer and has scored seven times for Ossett.
Ossett are hoping to appoint Elliott’s permanent replacement before Saturday’s trip to Cammell Laird and have already had “lots of interest” in the post.
Interested parties are asked to send their CVs to ossetttownfc@gmail.com.