Wales not guilty of mud slinging charge

Nostell winger Steve Wales (right) faced a lengthy ban if he had been found guilty of throwing mud into the face of an assistant referee.

Nostell winger Steve Wales (right) faced a lengthy ban if he had been found guilty of throwing mud into the face of an assistant referee.

Nostell Miners Welfare’s star winger Ste Wales has been found not guilty of throwing mud into the face of an assistant referee.

Wales was sent off for the claimed offence during Nostell’s 1-0 win at Parkgate at the end of March, a red card he subsequently served a three-match suspension for.

However, because of the circumstances of why the red card was issued, it was deemed by the Sheffield & Hallamshire County FA that the three match suspension was not a sufficient punishment.

He could have faced a lengthy ban until Monday’s hearing ruled in his favour.

At the time, the un-named assistant referee claimed that Wales, whilst on the ground, had thrown mud in his face.

In defence, Wales successfully argued that he had thrown some mud towards the ground in frustration at a decision that had gone against him.

Nostell manager Paul Lines said: “It is fantastic news.

“When it went to appeal, the officials slightly changed their stories so that helped us.

“To be fair, he didn’t do anything on the day anyway. There was nothing malicious and I thought it was really unjust.

“He didn’t throw mud at the linesman. The linesman has made a meal of it and made more of it than what it was.

“I think it has been a waste of everyone’s time because it could have been dealt with much better at the time.

“The referee could have just given Ste a yellow card and told him to get on with the game.

“Common sense should have been applied, but luckily the Sheffield & Hallamshire FA have looked at it and showed that it was just a storm in a teacup.”

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