Lines thanks Guiseley for in-form trio

Nostell Miners Welfare manager Paul Lines

Nostell Miners Welfare manager Paul Lines

Paul Lines has thanked Guiseley for lending three of their academy players to Nostell Miners Welfare.

The trio – Dev Morton, Steve Smith and Will Wells – have played a key role in Nostell’s recent upturn in form which has led to two wins in three matches.

Morton scored twice in the 4-0 battering of Maltby Main on Saturday and Lines said: “They have made a massive difference and in the last few weeks they have shown a lot of potential.

“Because of that, for the Maltby game I thought I would give them a blast from the start – obviously Dev upfront and Steve on the right.

“Will Wells as well at centre-half has been tremendous since he has come. They have made a massive impact.

“We also have to thank Guiseley for letting them come to us. I can’t be more thankful because these lads have been tremendous.”

The Maltby victory eased any relegation fears at the Crofton-based club and opened up a seven-point gap between them and the Toolstation NCEL Premier Division drop zone.

Lines now hopes his side can move further up the table during January to make up for the poor start to the campaign – which was mainly down to a massive injury list.

He added: “We have got to do it.

“We have to get points on the board and score goals. Some our performances have been good, but we haven’t been scoring. Against Maltby it came off for us.

“We need to keep building and hopefully the New Year will bring a bit more luck.

“I do think if we hadn’t had as many injuries and suspensions we would have been a lot higher up.

“We have had a lot of bad luck. We lost Rob Bordman, Jack Fisher from last season and then to injury, Dave Bordman, Dale Kelly, John Douglas to a broken arm twice, Ben Saynor broke his hand.

“There has been a lot of changes and a lot of messing about and ringing about to get more players in.

“When you lose seven or eight players to injury at the same time, it tests your contacts book to the limit.”

Nostell are scheduled to host Bridlington Town, who could go top, in Crofton tomorrow.

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