Non League Yorkshire statement

Non League Yorkshire

Non League Yorkshire

Non League Yorkshire has come a long way in just three years.

For a site that started off in 2013 covering four or five clubs, it has grown to be a one-stop place for news from clubs in the region in the bottom few tiers on Non League Football.

I do not run the website as a full-time job and very little sponsorship is received over the course of a year.

The site is run myself with the help of some fantastic contributors who provide match reports from their particular club. Information from games at the levels that the site covers can often be at a premium so reports are very much appreciated.

I do not spend the whole of my Sundays, writing and uploading reports. The order of reports is decided by the information available. For the next eight weeks, reports will be sporadically spread out across Sundays and Monday due to family and personal commitments, so please patience.

In the summer, I also made the editorial decision to reduce the number of manager interviews that are published on a Friday, along with the coverage of midweek games.

This has had a knock-on-effect. Although a different ground has been visited on every Saturday so far, the coverage of most of the Yorkshire Evo Stik clubs, and a handful in the NCEL, has been limited. This is nothing personal, it has just been physically impossible to get to the clubs concerned.

However, recently some people have gone too far. Inflammatory text messages to my personal mobile about editorial decisions regarding the games covered, combined with an encounter with three arrogant match officials who are a disgrace to their profession and should be ashamed of themselves, has tainted the enjoyment of running the site.

I’m a volunteer like everyone else and I don’t spend far too many hours working on the site to get abused. I shouldn’t go to bed on a evening wondering what kind of hassle I am going to get about Non League Yorkshire during the following day.

Please have a bit of understanding and let’s hope the growth of the site continues for years to come.

And if you’re an official of a club and you want to get news or reports on Non League Yorkshire, contact us via social media or by email

James Grayson 21/10/16

26 thoughts on “Non League Yorkshire statement

  1. You are right James. You should not be abused by anyone. The site is fantastic for information concerning Yorkshire clubs and other local areas.
    Keep up the good work mate.

  2. James I am sorry to hear of the abuse you have received and which I have to say I totally disagree with and the morons that do it obviously don’t appreciate the info and reports you bring to non league and although I have disagreed with you not reporting on Cleethorpes Town the website is a great advert for non league football. Please continue to do the reports as the comments of colleagues across non league are valuable.

  3. Keep going James don’t let them grind you down. last time I looked Cleethorpes was in Lincolnshire and your site is called? So onwards and upwards

  4. Since meeting you in Sheffield last June, you have kept me well informed on the Yorkshire non league scene. Your information on my team, Emley have been invaluable here in Granada, Spain. Ignore the idiots who don’t appreciate the great work you do in your own time. Keep up the good work James and you have my greatest admiration for the work you do. Regards from spain.

  5. James you do a fantastic job and you are a very honest and professional bloke you always have time to speak to everyone so please keep it up you are always welcome down at Pontefract colls ground at all times

    From all at the colls

  6. Best non league site out there in my opinion and run very well, always honest reporting, it is that good it confuses some of the people who level the abuse James they think it is MOTD where some fans moan about their club highlights being last on.
    Keep up the fantastic work mate it is again a minority of people that spoils it for everybody else

  7. Hello James,I am very disappointed to hear that you have been subject to abuse.In the time I have known you I have always been amazed at your dedication to your work which is always fair and unbiased.I hope you will recover from this and ignore these sick few and keep up the good work.Best wishes James,John Ingham.

  8. James, It dissapoints me to here about this abuse you are recieving, but unfortuanatly in all walks of life there are morons who only look at what involves them and not the wider picture.
    Non League Yorkshire, Great site keep up the good work.

  9. Ignore the negatives James and keep providing the great service. I’ve always found the site fair and informative.

  10. As a Rainworth man I don’t expect my club to be covered but I still enjoy reading about our friends and rivals from your neck of the woods. Don’t be despondent, you run a great site and give a great service. Folks, please appreciate.

  11. James, keep up the good work and ignore the morons. Any issues that go “beyond the unwritten line” and become unwelcome, “come into my office”, you know how to get hold of me. J.

  12. Really enjoy what you do. Keep up the excellent work. Watching Harrogate Railway and Knaresborough pretty regularly this season when not on the road following Carlisle. Haven’t seen a bad game yet. Standard high and well worth the fiver entry. Your reports and items add to my non league pleasure. Thank you!

  13. The website is superb James I wish there was something like this back when I was playing.
    Keep up the good work m8.

  14. I’ve seen you flourish from being a young up and coming Journo to where you are today.

    Unfortunately some people involved in the game are either unaware of how they conduct themselves or just struggle with the truth.

    Ignore them Pal….NLY is always one of my first ports of call on a Monday morning. Top Site, Top Bloke!!

  15. Great comment Joanna hope to be over from Granada in Spain to support Daz and the boys early January. Will be there with Emley shirt on, don’t be downhearted James, see you next year sometime
    Mick Granada

  16. You are doing a great Job James.

    Just ignore the derogatory remarks they are in the minority.
    We all get them from time to time in the media.

  17. James, Please continue with this remarkable site full of information. As others have stated ignore the negative reports mostly from people with no backbone.
    Thank you, Peter Bickers following from Southern California and an Ex player for Knaresborough Town FC.

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