Striker Andy Horbury struck gold during his Albion Sports debut in the 8-1 win at Athersley Rec.
The former Glasshoughton man made the move to Albion from Toolstation NCEL Division One side Nostell Miners Welfare this week after struggling to break into their starting eleven.
Horbury got Albion’s eighth. It was Albion’s first win of the campaign and the first of John Francis’ reign.
Alhassane Keita scored a hat-trick, with Bruce Fernando, Marcel Chigumira, Sam Denton and Roy Fogarty also struck.
Local Non League favourite Shane Kelsey, also Athersley’s first team coach, came out of retirement and scored a late consolation for the Rec.
Kelsey, the former Garforth, Shaw Lane, Worsbrough and Ossett Albion frontman, retired in 2016 after helping Hemsworth win promotion to the Premier Division.