The Toolstation Northern Counties East League AGM passed without problems, but the night bash was marred by the lack of bread
The Toolstation NCEL AGM went without a hitch and lasted all of 37 minutes in Harrogate.
The constitution was confirmed, with Goole AFC, Harworth Colliery and Skegness Town welcomed back to the league. Promoted Pontefract Collieries and Pickering Town were waved off.
Although the mid-afternoon festivities went without a hitch, the evening bash was embroiled in controversy.
Butter was on all the tables, but no bread. It never arrived either, to the vast majority’s dismay. This was despite the fact the side plates were sat there and waiting to be deployed. A lot of bloodthirsty guests were angrily waving their forks as the anger swelled as the night went on.
For many eating the bread is the highlight of the night so ‘bread-gate’ was the main talking point. A splinter section of guests were seen discussing their plan to take their own bread to next year’s presentation night to avoid disappointment for a second year running.
Apart from the bread debacle, the three-course meal received rapturous applause.
The author cannot comment on the starter – Fan of Honeydew Melon – as he declined it, but the Roast Sirloin of Beef with roasted potatoes and Yorkshire Pudding, soaked in delicious red wine gravy was fulfilling. The chef has to be praised as guests were almost queuing for seconds.
The crowning glory was the rich tasting Peach and Passion Fruit Pavlova. It was an absolute triumph and guests and took many minds off the bread debacle.
Without a hitch? The play offs were scrapped by the F.A. did the NCEL protest at this? Was it on the agenda? were they aware of this decision before the AGM? Clubs will suffer financially, players will lose motivation if a team runs away with the league, the league’s could be over by Xmas!
Crazy decision by people who are utterly clueless!..
Have AFC Mansfield not been waved off or have I missed something?