Shirt moves onto Athersley Rec

Toolstation NCEL Division One  Worsbrough Bridge club captain Dean Shirt has moved to local rivals Athersley Rec. Attacker Shirt, who was one of many who came back to help save Bridge last year, joins Rec ahead of the home game with Maltby Main on Saturday. Shirt stayed with Worsbrough, despite the resignation of his father  read more→

Players all set for Estelle Rose Cup

Old Athersley Rec and Worsbrough Bridge players are taking each other on this coming Sunday to raise money for the Rainbow Room at Barnsley Hospital. They will also be competing for the Estelle Rose Cup, named in the memory of the daughter of current Worsbrough attacker Dean Shirt. Players are paying £10 to play and  read more→

Old boys return to help save Worsbrough

Toolstation NCEL Division One Three well known old boys have returned to help Worsbrough Bridge climb out of their current plight. A new low was reached on Tuesday night with the 7-1 defeat to Westella VIP, but Bridge have responded by persuading Lee Garside, Josh Wright and Dean Shirt to come back. Target man Garside  read more→