Ryan named as the new Emley captain

Toolstation NCEL Division One Managers and supporters player of the year Kieran Ryan has been made captain of AFC Emley by Darren Hepworth. The striker replaces Michael Tunnacliffe, who left the Welfare Ground following the play-off final defeat at Bottesford Town. Goalkeeper Adam Lawlor has also departed. Both exits were expected. Speaking to Radio Yorkshire’s  read more→

Emley score four without Ash Flynn

Toolstation NCEL Division One AFC Emley 4-0 Dronfield Town AFC Emley did not need 70-goal hero Ash Flynn for the visit of Dronfield Town as his side-kick Kieran Ryan scored a hat-trick. Flynn was given a rest for the reversed fixture because of other commitments, but Ryan, who has provided a big slice of his  read more→